I read a book that title is The Dragon and the Phoenix. I introduce about this story.
The chief character of this story is a dragon and a phoenix. It begins thousands of years ago. It is a story in China. The dragon lived near a magic river. And there is a dark forest near the river. The phoenix lived in the forest deeply. The dragon swam in the river everyday. And the phoenix flew in the sky above the river. One day, they found a shiny pebble on the sand. The dragon washed it in the river, and the phoenix polished it with a feather. The pebble is a pearl. The pearl shone brighter than stars and sun. The Queen of Heaven saw it shine. She wanted it. That night, she sent a guard to steal it. In the morning, the pearl was gone. The dragon and the phoenix looked in the magic river and the dark forest. But no pearl. Then they saw it in the sky. They went to Heaven. There is the Queen. Both scrambled for the pearl. And the pearl fell from the sky soon. Then it landed on the ground and became a shining lake. They lay near it to protect it. They are still there today.
This story a kind of fairy tale. I think this story is the origin for a lake to have been established. And the dragon and the Phoenix promised. They must never leave it. Therefore, they are still there today. I think that the faith is wonderful. This story was interesting for me. Please read once.
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